Sunday, December 1, 2013

Much needed update

Long time no see. Life's been crazy since I wrote last. I had the baby in September, on September 28th, he weighed 9lbs 5oz, 21 inches long. I had a c-section because I couldn't push him out vaginally. Thanksgiving came and went. It was ok. It wasn't like what I did for Thanksgiving but I was happy to be part of a family-a new family, with my son, our son. 
Today, is December 1st(I can't believe this year is already over like holy crap!) hopefully, today we can get a Christmas tree. I really want the tree. This will be my first Christmas tree, I can't wait. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday. I can get a little Christmas crazy :) ooh! yeah! I'm not diabetic at the moment however I NEED to lose some weight. I'd like to lose say like, I already lost 53lbs in a month from the birth but I'm now 
yo-yo-ing between 8 lbs and I'm not liking it at all. I'm still breast feeding. I'm not getting the amount of milk I want either. I had a period in October and nothing at all in November. I took the pregnancy test and it came out negative. So I don't know what's going on exactly. 
I want to be at least 120lbs by next Christmas if I can. I hope that maybe I can join Zumba or something to burn off the fat that's covering my ugly body.
I have the treadmill & elliptical machine but I think I need a battery in the elliptical or something because now it doesn't tell me what the calories you're burning at all. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Much needed update

28 weeks & 1 day. 3rd trimester, 7 months pregnant.

My weight has increased badly, like 4lbs in a day. I know it's probably water weight. I have been told that these are the months where Joey will gain most of this weight. He weighed in at 2.8lbs on Monday when I went for the growth scan & ultrasound, which I have to go in for another one in August. Ugh! Enough with the damn doctors already!
The past couple of weeks have been crazy. My poor kitty has been really sick. It was over $110 a week ago and it was over $400 the other day for him. He's on another antibiotic and now on a steroid. I hope he gets better and soon. I hate that I can't do more for him.
I have been up for a couple of hours tossing and turning. 
Good 'ol Xanga will be closing soon. I'm going to miss it, it's been my home for 10 years. *sighs* 
This morning, I have an appointment to see my case manager. She's really nice. 
I'll be meeting her at BAM! hopefully I can find a new ED book or magazine to buy.
The past couple of days I've been hungry. Like major hungry. I don't want my weight to increase THAT much. I mean I have gained quite a lot too. Well I think I have anyways.
I have been looking on eBay for cute Victoria's Secret shirts. I'm in need of some new clothes, granted I'm not sure if they're going to fit me or not right now but I want to feel good about myself.
The other thing is that I'm worried about getting pregnant again after birth. I know it can happen and truthfully I wouldn't mind it but I do because I don't wanna be like 300lbs one day either like ew no! I want to lose this weight. I want to be thin and beautiful again. I'm worried that hubby might leave me one day because of my weight. I know, I know.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Oh Boy!

April wasn't a good month. My soon to be mother in law passed away. The funeral was very hard.
On May 7th hubby and I went to the 3D ultrasound place and we found out we're pregnant with a boy. Even though he wanted another girl. Oh well there's always next time around. I'm now 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Tonight we're getting a thunderstorm. We need the rain. I'm going to try to do a big ass garden this year. I want to plant tomatoes, potatoes, celery, broccoli, beets, sunflowers, lettuce, peppers, and so much more but I can't do any fruit trees which kinda sucks. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. 
I went grocery shopping the other day and couldn't help myself so I got Petey the penguin for my baby boy. It's so soft and cuddly. 
My weight has increased. I'm on 2 kinds of insulin for the Gestational diabetes. Hopefully it goes away when the baby is born. I can't be diabetic at all. I just can't. I need to up my exercise as well. If I can't walk outside then I'll do the treadmill. I just need hubby to finish hooking it up for me. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Oh my God! Oh my God! :)

The past couple of days I've been weird. Reason for it is that I'm pregnant. I found out around 12:30am on January 31st 2013. Then later that day I went for blood work and my HCG is in the 1,000's. I am about 3-4 weeks. I'll be going in for more blood work Monday morning.
We are both happy and excited. Last night I ordered myself 5 pairs of yoga pants, The Little Mermaid DVD, the morning sickness bracelet, the book what to eat when you're expecting.
I'm going to have to order myself a pregnancy pillow.
I went food shopping:
Dietz & Watson buffalo chicken
Diets & Watson Munster cheese
spinach artichoke hummus
honey dew melon
veggie cheese
lean beef burgers
5 jars of pickles
and I got 3 packages of light burger buns they were only $1.25 each instead of $3-5 each!
And 3 loafs of bread. I froze two of the loafs just to have it on hand.
I'm going to have to apply for fuel assistance and for WIC since I need some help since I'm on disability.
Right now I'm laying down watching Lifetime's "15 & Pregnant".
I finished paying my bills and paid off my Colt and now with everything all said and done I'm broke now for the month.